Aurora borealis over Seljalandsfoss waterfall on the south coast of Iceland

Seljalandsfoss waterfall on the south coast of Iceland

The waterfall Seljalandsfoss on the south coast of Iceland is probably one of Icelands best known waterfalls and only the great Gullfoss waterfall is possibly more frequently visited. This is because the waterfall is one of only few waterfalls in iceland that you can walk behind.

Walk behind the waterfall

The waterfall drops 60 m (197 ft) and is part of the Seljalands River that has its origin in the volcano glacier Eyjafjallajökull. One of its main attraction is the fact that you can walk behind the waterfall in summertime and get a breathtaking view through the waterfall out to the surroundings.

Is it safe walking behind Seljalandsfoss?

The weather can have effect both on the paths and on the surrounding landscape. It is thought to be safe, even though the path is rocky and muddy and can be a bit slippery at times, craving that you have good and sturdy hiking boots when you take the relatively easy walk behind the waterfall.

Amazing Iceland travels all year round, making it possible for you to explore the beautiful Icelandic scenery. Our experienced guides and professional photographers are knowledgeable about the area, so we can safely navigate you through Seljalandsfoss and its surroundings even during the coldest months of the year. We provide a friendly, laid-back atmosphere for travelers of all ages and backgrounds to experience the wonders of Iceland.

Still this is nature and one should always carefully scout the surrounding before entering a site like Seljalandsfoss.

On January 15, 1967, the day’s rainfall measured 101 millimeters in Skógar. The water in the rivers escalated to a new hight and the volume and force was such that it damaged the edge of the cliff where Seljalandsfoss falls down. This created a gap that now constrains the flow of the river so that the waterfall is not as widely spread as it used to be.

Can I go behind Seljalandsfoss in winter?

In winter time the path can be closed if the terrain gets too icy and slippery and dangerous to walk behind the waterfall. Icicles hanging from the edge can also pose threats to people so be careful in the area in winter and it is good to bring some crampons to use on icy paths and parking spots.

Attractions near Seljalandsfoss

Next to Seljalandsfoss is an other no less beautiful waterfall called Gljúfrabúi even though some say that it is a wrong name and its real name is Gljúfurfoss. Gljúfrabúi is found with in a beautiful canyon and one has to wade the river Gljúfurá to get into the dome surrounding it.

Where is seljalandsfoss?

Seljalandsfoss is located in the South Region in Iceland right by Route 1 to the left on road Road 249 that leads to the beautiful valley of Þórsmörk, only 120 km from Reykjavík, and is almost a mandatory stop on all south coast tours and if you are driving on the south coast you can hardly miss it as it is clearly seen from highway 1. Even in winter you cant miss it as it is lit up at the darkest hours of the day.

Good gear to have when going behind Seljalandsfoss.

Do not forget to wear your rain gear and good sturdy shoes or hiking boots when you take the marvellous trip behind Seljalandsfoss.

Interesting facts about Seljalandsfoss
 Seljalandsfoss was a waypoint during the first leg of The Amazing Race 6. Seljalandsfoss was featured in the movie CKY2K along with music from Björk. The official music video of “I’ll Show You” by Justin Bieber features glacial lagoons and rivers in South Iceland, including Seljalandsfoss.
Tips on photographing Seljalandsfoss. Protect your camera from the mist and spray with waterproof camera raincoat and bring a flash gun or a torch light for brightening up your photography. Cloth to wipe the mist of your camera lens is also good and a tripod can come in handy. Wide angle lens is a must if you really want the waterfall and its surroundings in all its glory. Hiking little bit up to the hillsides is some thing that you can do in winter but please stay on the paths in summer so that you do not ruin the landscape around it with criss crossing paths. Shutter speed 1/15 of a sec or lower will give you a silky look of the water flowing.